Alvin E Tarrell

Alvin E. Tarrell is currently a Ph.D. student in information technology at the Peter Kiewit Institute at the University of Nebraska–Omaha (UNO-PKI). His research interests include information design, information visualization, visual analytics, human-computer interaction, data analytics and knowledge management.  His dissertation research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of visual information displays, primarily in the area of electronic health records and population health informatics.  In addition, Mr. Tarrell is an operational analyst for the U.S.

Perspectives on Power, Security, and Leadership with General Anthony Zinni (USMC Ret.)

In this complex and dynamic world of changing demands, the nature of security today requires that it be conceived more broadly than ever before. Some have called for a new vibrant strategic direction for US national security and foreign policy. Today's context presents a unique set of challenges and requires a new way of thinking about power, security, and leadership.

Beyond the operating room: Applying military healthcare data insights to the civilian sector

Major Jim Markham is an operations research / systems analyst in the Army.  He is currently serving as a Research Fellow in the Training with Industry program, during which he works with IBM for one year before returning to the Army, including time with the Center for The Business of Government. His fellowship is intended to help him learn how industry applies big data and analytics to healthcare challenges in order to take this knowledge back to the Army.



Five Actions to Improve Military Hospital Performance

The Military Health System (MHS) is a global, comprehensive, integrated system that includes combat medical services, health readiness, and a health care delivery system amongst many other functions. As one of the largest health care systems in the U.S, with total spending of more than $50 billion per year, the MHS includes both a direct care component, composed of DoD-operated and staffed military treatment facilities (MTFs), and a purchased care component operated through TRICARE regional contracts.

Five Actions to Improve Military Hospital Performance

This, combined with concerns about adequacy in direct health care support for the readiness mission and quality, has led Congress to direct a major overhaul of the direct care system in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, signed into law December 23, 2016.

Irregular Warfare at Sea: A Case Study on National Defense Choices

National defense choices can leave a country vulnerable.  Military organizations routinely deal with risk and trade-offs.  But longer-term strategic defense choices—shaped by multiple factors including uncertainty about the future, the pressure of dominant current constituencies, and fiscal constraints that are difficult to “get right.”  Once a conflict begins a new set of options and trades emerge but the uncertainties, the pressure of constituencies and resource constraints remain (even in a national level mobilization).  In the United States, we are currently dealing with strategic choic