Dr. Hee Soun Jang

Hee Soun Jang is an associate professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas and serves as assistant department chair. Prior to joining the University of North Texas, she was an assistant professor in the Division of Politics, Administration, and Justice at California State University, Fullerton for four years. She teaches courses on nonprofit management, public and nonprofit partnership, public
administration seminars, leadership and organization in public administration, and personnel management in the public sector. Her research explores nonprofit and government partnerships, local government management and policy choices, the nonprofit sector in South Korea, and the role of government in civil society initiatives in Korea. Her research has been published in scholarly journals, including Public Administration Review, Administration and Society, The American Review of Public Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences, and Journal of Policy Development and Research.
Jang was a recipient of the Emerging Scholar Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, as well as the DeVoe Moore Fellowship from Florida State University. She collaborated with colleagues at the University of North Texas on a highly visible community-based research project titled “Assessing Blight in the City of Dallas, TX,” which was awarded a research grant from the Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity in 2011. The project produced a Composite Blight Index that can be used by cities to measure urban blight. She was a recipient of the Nonprofit Research Fund of the Johnson Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership at Grand Valley State University. The published report from this grant, titled “Acculturation and Patterns of Asian American Philanthropy,” analyzed the philanthropic behavior of Asian
Americans in the United States. She is also a co-author of a grant report titled “The Role of Nonprofit Contractors in the Delivery of Local Services,” which was awarded a Nonprofit Sector Research
Fund from the Aspen Institute. Jang has also received a grant award from the Tax Watch Research Foundation.
Jang received her PhD from Florida State University in public administration in 2006. She also has received her BA and MA from Sungshin Women’s University in political science in Seoul, Korea.