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Preparing governments for future shocks

The Center has dedicated time and resources to explore how best government agencies can prepare, address, and overcome the disruptive inevitabilities of “future shocks”—those increasingly common and severe events that have effects within and across nations.

Partnering with the National Academy of Public Administration and the IBM Institute for Business Value, as well as other U.S. and global partners, the Center launched a “Future Shocks” initiative in 2022 to help government leaders further identify core capabilities critical to building resilience, building on lessons learned from pandemic response efforts. Through this initiative, we are convening a series of international roundtable discussions with global leaders from across the public, private, academic, and non-profit sectors to capture lessons across six key domain areas: Emergency Preparedness and Response, Cybersecurity, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Workforce Skills, and International Cooperation.

Learn more and read reports and blogs about future shocks.

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Interviews with Leaders: The Business of Government Hour

Conversations with Leaders

Leveraging the Upside of Disruption with Terence Mauri
NAPA Fall Meeting Conversation on Technology and Innovation with Laura Stanton
NAPA Fall Meeting Conversation on Public Collaboration and East-West Relations with Suzanne Vares-Lum

Twitter Insights

ICYMI: "Commonwealth Hub for Business of Government established at " - article by about… https://t.co/ZclKdJAvbC
This agency could stop your paycheck cold. Article by on new report by co-aut… https://t.co/BJDs9mPXPU
Tech Base of National Finance Center Needs Immediate Stabilization says Margie Graves, Fellow for the Center.… https://t.co/jt1VAyHI54

The Center in the News

Dan Chenok Video

 This audio/video library provides perspectives on key government issues through appearances in a variety of media outlets.  Watch!