Dr. Jeffrey Talley

Dr. Talley is a Global Fellow with the IBM Center for The Business of Government and Vice President, Global Public Sector, IBM Global Business Services. As a Global Fellow, he provides thought leadership on a broad range of topics of interest to public sector leaders with special focus on global security issues and strategies reducing risk and increasing opportunity through improved government performance.
Dr. Talley has over 36 years of global experiences in large-scale organizational leadership, global geopolitics, data/analytics and technology, and the environment. His diverse career spans the public, private, and academic sectors, coupled with periods of active and reserve military service as a Citizen-Soldier. His current work emphasizes the integration of engineering, business, and public policy for holistic applications through public, private, partnerships (P3).
Dr. Talley is also a Professor of Practice in the Price School of Public Policy and the Viterbi School of Engineering, with an additional appointment as Scholar-in-Residence, Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC). He teaches, researches, and writes about P3 with emphasis on the impact technology is having on society, business, and government. He has served as tenured faculty at the University of Notre Dame and Southern Methodist University, and as adjunct faculty at The Johns Hopkins University. Prior to his current appointments, he was an Advanced Leadership Fellow and Cabot House Scholar-in Residence at Harvard University. He retired from military service in 2016 at the rank of Lieutenant General.
Dr. Talley received his Ph.D. in Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and his Executive M.B.A. from the University of Oxford, England. He also holds multiple master degrees in engineering, strategic studies, liberal arts, and religious studies. He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.), a Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE), and a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE).