Raj Sharma

Mr. Sharma is the founder of the Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform Institute, a Visiting Fellow at the Center for American Progress, and Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Censeo Consulting Group. Much of his work is focused on driving large-scale efficiencies, reducing costs, and improving the overall effectiveness of the federal agencies through the application of proven commercial and public-sector best practices. Over the past 15 years, he has worked with leaders across the federal government and private sector to provide thought leadership and promote best practices on topics such as cost reduction, supplier relationship management, and strategic sourcing.
His work has been published in numerous periodicals, including his article on “Six Principles of Stakeholder Management” in Supply Chain Management Review. His Center for American Progress report, A $400 Billion Opportunity, highlighted the enormous size and scale of savings that can be realized by the federal government by eliminating inefficiencies within federal procurement. Mr. Sharma has received numerous awards including a Minority Business Leader award from the Washington Business Journal and recognition by The Wall Street Journal and Consulting magazine for his leadership as an entrepreneur.
Mr. Sharma holds an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an BS from the University of Maryland.