Round Up, December 12 - 16
Submitted by evalery on Tue, 01/02/2018 - 12:13

Friday, December 16, 2011
An abbreviated Round Up for the week of December 12 -16
Okay, so we weren’t going to publish a Round Up this week since several of us are on vacation, but here are three stories I didn’t want to sit on since they are long and you might want to read them during leisure moments during your holiday vacation!
- This is a detail-rich case study of what happens when you try to transform a huge benefits processing system by trying to outsource its operation: “Overcoming a backlog: How Texas conquered a mountain of food stamps applications,” by Melissa Maynard, in Stateline.org.
- Here’s a great story on identify management, a key element in using e-commerce approaches in government, entitled: “Trust but Verify,” by Aliya Sternstein, in Government Executive magazine.
- A terrific story on Medicare fraud that brings alive the OMB goal of “ reducing $125 billion in improper payments” to make it read like Miami Vice, in “Cracking Down On $70 Billion Worth Of Medicare Fraud”, by Tristram Korten, in Fast Company magazine.