University of Georgia
Submitted by MChinoda on Fri, 04/13/2018 - 06:29

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
104 Baldwin Hall
Athens, GA 30602
United States542-2961
J. Edward Kellough is Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs and Director of the Doctoral Program in Public Administration at the University of Georgia. Professor Kellough teaches courses in Public Personnel Administration/ Human Resources Management, Program Evaluation, Public Administration and Democracy, and other topics. His principal research interests are in the area of public personnel management. He has focused recently on employee turnover in the public service, alternative pay structures including pay for performance, civil service reform, the reinventing government movement, equal employment opportunity/affirmative action in the public sector, and the concept of representative bureaucracy.
Dr. Kellough has published in numerous scholarly journals including Public Administration Review, American Journal of Political Science, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Public Personnel Management, Social Science Quarterly, The American Review of Public Administration, Public Administration Quarterly, and others. He is also the author of Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Numerical Goals and Timetables: An Impact Assessment. Professor Kellough serves on the editorial review board of the Review of Public Personnel Administration, and has completed terms on the editorial board of the Public Administration Review and the Journal of Public Administration Education. He has consulted with federal, state, and local government organizations in the United States and has provided training in conjunction with the University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Government in public management to Ukrainian local government officials at Uzhgorad State University, Uzhgorad, Ukraine, and to regional government officials in Shanghai and Beijing, China.