Dr. Yi Lu

Dr. Yi Lu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Management at John Jay College City University of New York (CUNY). Her primary research interests are:
- Performance informed budgeting and management
- Public budgeting and financial management.
- Budget processes and reforms
- Government accountability
- Comparative public administration
Her studies have been published in The Public Budgeting and Finance Journal, The Public Performance and Management Review, State and Local Government Review, The Municipal Finance Journal, The Public Service Performance and etc. Over the years, she has served communities in various capacities: guest blog author at Public Financial Management Blog for the International Monetary Fund (IMF)--Fiscal Affairs Department; advisor for Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)’s project on performance management and measurement in government; member of the Consolidation Committee at the Chamber of Commerce in Broome County, New York; research assistant for the Community Policy Analysis Center at University of Missouri; and member of the Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee at John Jay. Dr. Lu has received the Individual Development Award from SUNY Binghamton, a Service-Learning Grant, and recently, she worked on the report “A Guide to New York City Taxes: History, Issues and Concerns,” sponsored by the Peter J. Solomon Company. She is the faculty liaison of the China project funded by the Open Society Foundation. Yi Lu received her PH.D from the University of Georgia-Athens.