Managing the New Multipurpose, Multidiscipline University Research Center: Institutional Innovation in the Academic Community

One of the most dramatic changes in U.S. policy in decades, largely undocumented, is the gradual shift from funding individual projects to funding science centers. This study includes historical analysis of the evolution of science centers, focusing on the new (post-1975) science and technology centers and explores what are the management imperatives resulting from this new mode of organizing scientific research. nsf, national science foundationCollaboration: Networks and Partnerships


Mediation at Work: Transforming Workplace Conflict at the United States Postal Service

This study addresses the history, implementation, management, institutionalization and evaluation of the world’s largest employment mediation program, the United States Postal Service’s REDRESS (Resolve Employment Disputes, Reach Equitable Solutions Swiftly) Program. Designed and implanted top-down as alternative dispute resolution for complaints of discrimination, it also served as a bottom-up method for changing how employees and supervisors handle conflict at work through its award-winning use of transformative mediation.


Performance Leadership: 11 Better Practices That Can Ratchet Up Performance

In the report, Professor Behn moves away from the conventional tenet of public administration to "make the managers manage." Instead, he offers an approach that encompasses eleven "better practices" that he has observed in use by successful public managers over the years. This approach focuses not on individual attributes and virtues, but rather on activities or practices which can spur improvements in program performance.

Public-Sector Information Security: A Call to Action for Public-Sector CIOs

This report expands upon the themes and issues raised at a forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection sponsored by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). At the forum, held in November 2001, conference participants identified a series of actions designed to combat emerging cyber-threats to security and critical infrastructure. Subsequent to the Forum, NASCIO asked Don Heiman, former Chief Information Officer of the State of Kansas, to develop recommendations for improving public-sector information security.

The Defense Leadership Management Program: Taking Career Development Seriously

This project examines the implementation of the innovative Defense Leadership Management Program (DLAMP) and draws conclusions about its strengths and weaknesses. DLAMP is an innovation in the public sector's management of human resources and an attempt by the federal government to provide a program of systematic career development for it's civilian employees. Programs such as DLAMP are an important component of the public sector’s efforts to shore up its workforce for the challenges of the new century and make government service an attractive career option for generations to come.

The Influence of Organzational Commitment on Officer Retention: A 12-Year Study of U.S. Army Officers

The goal of this report is to improve employee retention rates within the public sector by examining the longitudinal influence of organizational commitment on turnover intentions and actual turnover behavior. By determining the length of time it takes for organizational commitment to develop and the point at which it stabilizes within the employees' tenure in the organization, managers will have a better understanding of when and how organizational commitment develops. Human Capital Management


The Power of Frontline Workers in Transforming Government: The Upstate New York Veterans Healthcare Network

The project describes and analyzes how a government organization, providing services within the ongoing constraints of bureaucratic routine, reduced funding and political influence and used the entrepreneurial capabilities of its workforce to navigate major strategic challenges successfully. The organization examined was a single health service network within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), the Upstate New York Veterans Health Network, which allowed its work force to become more entrepreneurial and independent in performing their responsibilities.

Using Virtual Teams to Manage Complex Projects

This report examines how new technologies are reshaping the workplace. The project studies how the U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors and subcontractors are using advanced information and communication technologies to manage a highly complex Radioactive Waste Management Project at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The Yucca Mountain project has begun to implement -virtual teamwork- as a means to provide more efficient and effective collaboration among employees. Human Capital Management
