Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Two: Leverage Hyperconnectivity

The technologies that enable hyperconnectivity can be harnessed, ignored, employed on an ad-hoc basis, or incorporated thoughtfully into an agency’s strategy to carry out its mission. The only thing that leaders and managers cannot do with these technologies is make them go away.

From the Pony Express in 1860 to today’s digital revolution, the scope of our connectivity has increased in every dimension.

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Four - Use Real-Time Performance Data

In the coming years, government executives will need to utilize real-time information for decision-making and accountability. Specifically, they must (1) Collect better data; (2) Conduct better analysis; (3) Make better decisions; and (4) Take smarter action.

Weekly Roundup: February 1 - 5, 2016

Improving Grants Management. Shelley Metzenbaum, in an article in Government Executivewrites: “. . . the way federal grants are managed gets woefully little attention. To achieve higher returns on the taxpayer’s dollar, that needs to change.
