Sylvia Constaín took office as Minister of Information and Communication Technologies. The Minister of Information and Communication Technologies is an Economist, has a Master in Administration from the Universidad de los Andes. Also, she is a Fellow in International Relationships of Harvard University. In addition, she is an executive with more than 20 years of international experience in designing and running strategies, government relations, public policies, international negotiations, management and development.
In her career path, she has been the Head of Public Policies for the Southern Cone in Facebook and Manager of Government Relations for Spanish - Speaking South America in Apple.
In the Embassy of Colombia in Washington D.C., she was Minister Plenipotentiary and Head of Relations with the United States Congress. She also served as Deputy Director of the Commercial Office of Colombia in Washington D.C. and as Director of Foreign Investment and Services of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
She has also been consultant in companies, governments, financial institutions and development agencies.