Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report provides an evaluation of the franchise funds authorized in 1994 under the Government Management Reform Act, with particular emphasis on the Office of Federal Occupational Health (OFOH) in the Department of Health and Human Services. The...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report examines the role of financial risk management techniques in government. The goal of this study is to determine which private sector financial risk management techniques are best suited for government adoption. In addition, the report...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report uncovers ideas and practices in government-to-employee web-based communication. It investigates and analyzes the visions of online collaboration that are emerging in federal agencies and the web-based government-to-employee practices that...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Over the past decade much work has been done on defining leaders and examining the distinctions among leaders, management and administration. This study examines an innovative approach to leading as a discipline and a method. It describes the Bureau...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report focuses on providing a better understanding of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), an especially significant innovation in local service delivery that has dramatically impacted the business of government. BIDs are self-help ventures...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This research project focuses on the untapped pool of knowledge of the Federal retiree community and will develop an innovative model and "best practices" that Federal agencies can use to reduce the Federal human capital crisis. Case studies to...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report examines how organizational factors and management strategies have affected the ability of federal agencies to generate reliable information for financial statements and achieve unqualified audit opinions. By indentifying successful...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This research draws lessons from three years of a RAND Graduate School course, Hybrid Governance. It lays out a framework for evaluating when public-private partnerships should be sought and what kind of partnerships should be forged or encouraged....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This report describes the new tools and methodologies needed to measure a state's readiness for global electronic commerce. The state of Ohio is used as a prototype and as an example for this study. The report also evaluates the measurement process...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This paper describes the emerging implementation strategies of government in the twenty-first century. The first section describes three models of government available to policy makers who believe that the bureaucratic model cannot solve the problems...


Future Research Reports

Read about our future reports on key public sector challenges, which respond to priorities identified in the Center's research agenda.