Among my New Year’s reading list were two December issuances that impact the world of information and privacy in government: the White House’s National Strategy on Information Sharing, and the Federal CIO Council’s Recommendations for Digital Privacy Cont
People can share pictures, stories, physical objects, and even their cars online - and as the "what" we share online expands, the "how" is becoming more nuanced.
Harvard business sage John Kotter writes “We can’t keep up with the pace of change, let alone get ahead of it.” He says the historical success of hierarchical structures “can’t handle the challenges of mounting complexity and rapid change.”
There is a new “map” of the Federal Government, courtesy of the Administrative Conference of the U.S. It is an update of an earlier “map” created in 1980 by the Congressional Research Service.
Budget stress in the wake of the recent recession has been an incentive for many U.S. local officials to explore new cooperative relationships with neighboring jurisdictions. County governments are in a strategic position to develop shared service project